For over a decade, I've spent over 100 hours watching course videos, participating in quizzes and assignments, and reading reviews on various aggregators and forums to come up with the best data science courses on the market.
Category : Big Data CourseDo you need to know how big data will affect your company? You should take this course. By working with the tools and systems that big data scientists and engineers use, you will gain an understanding of the insights that big data can provide. You don't need any prior programming experience to apply! MapReduce, Spark, Pig, and Hive are just some of the tools you'll learn about in this course. Using the code provided, you can see how predictive modeling and graph analytics can be used to solve problems. If you're interested in becoming a data scientist or just getting a better understanding of how data works, this is the course for you. You'll put your newfound knowledge to the test in a Capstone Project developed in conjunction with the data analytics software company Splunk.
Category : Big Data CourseIBM recently predicted that the number of people employed as data scientists will rise by 28% over the next two years, reflecting the high demand for these professionals.
Category : Big Data CourseBest practices and techniques for dealing with big data are becoming increasingly important in the workplace. Organizations are scrambling to make the most of their data architectures as the big data landscape continues to change in real time. Along with this, Hadoop and the data lake have emerged as technologies that no company can ignore, as they complement the data warehouse quite well, or may even be replaced by it in some cases
Category : Big Data Course